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Fence variance application form

Use this form to request permission for a variance to the Fence bylaw.

Before you start:


Section 1 - Applicant information

Provide your contact information as the applicant

I am the agent, property owner or tenant submitting this application:

Section 2 - Property information

Has this property been subject to a previous application for relief from the provisions of the Zoning bylaw or Fence bylaw?

Section 3 - Details of the request

Is this or will this fence be a part of an enclosure for a pool, swim spa or hot tub?
Identify the materials being used to build the fence. Check all materials that will be used.
Does the fence already exist?

Section 4 - Existing use(s) of the property where the fence will be built

What are the existing uses of the subject property?
What are the existing uses of the abutting properties?

Section 5 - Upload documents

Provide the following documents for each application:

  1. A Plan of Survey, up to date and prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor, indicating location of existing and proposed fence OR a Site Plan, indicating location of existing and proposed fence, property lines, buildings, driveways and uses.
  2. Drawings with a description, size and materials of the proprosed fence and how the fence is to be constructed and installed.

All plans must include:

  • dimenions provided in metres
  • scale of the drawing of plan
  • north symbol
  • municipal address
  • names of adjacent streets
  • project name
  • applicant name
  • name of the firm preparing the plans (if applicable)
  • photos of the property in the location of the fence are optional, though very helpful

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

Section 6 - Acknowledgements

Check the boxes and sign below for the following acknowledgements

Section 7 - Owner consent

Authorization from the owner of the property is required to apply for a fence variance. If you are not the sole property owner, a letter of authorization from the property owner(s) including their contact information and signature must be attached to this application. Unless otherwise noted, all communications will be sent to the agent or tenant if the applicant is not the property owner. 

Consent must include the following text: I hereby authorize the City of Waterloo and each of its directors, officers, employees, solicitors and agents to enter onto the above noted property(ies) for the purpose of evaluating the merits of this/these application(s) or request(s) over the time this/these application(s) or request(s) is/are under consideration by the City of Waterloo.



Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif


Allowed extensions .pdf, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif